Sunday, March 4, 2007

Agri' Dept Food Depots bring Market the Neighborhood

Business transaction with middleman makes the product price or services becomes more expensive or higher, thats why Taguig authority created a food depot market in their area wherein newly picked and fresh fruits and vegetables are directly delivered sold in their place. This depot serves as a warehouse or drop by area so that wholesalers do not need to go to a far away area in order just to make purchase of the products that they are supposed to sell to the retailers and consumers. This idea was generate for the reason that their enterprenuer has to wake up early like about 1 o'clock in the morning in order to be able to buy the newest fresh fruits and vegetables and also to buy plenty of them without being left over by other wholesalers.

Pro's: The depot creation will make the the business stronger and could make assurance that the people of Taguig buys only the freshest fruits and vegetables at a much lower price. This factor may really look simple for some of us but just try to image the benefit it could generate for the individual people living in the Taguig and other nearby areas.

Con's: Without this depot, wholesalers that comes from far away areas has to sacrifies much of their time in order to purchase good quality products to sell thus if they come late, the quality of the goods are lesser for the bests are already sold to other wholesalers. Prices are higher if there are middleman involve like for example the carrier of the vast volume of goods bought by an individual seller.

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